Numerous Field Types
Over 20 field types are available, from simple text to a complex matrix.

Conditional Logic
Build smarter forms. Dynamically show/hide fields based on user selection.

Field Validation
Complete validation for each field. You’ll get clean and correct data.

Electronic Signature
Accept online electronic signature. Works on computer and touch devices.

Matrix Choice Field
Create a powerful survey form and quickly collect rating points.

Advanced Calendar Field
Enable the date range, limit selection, disable specific dates, and more.

Star Rating Field
Collect ratings using several types of icons (star, heart, thumb, etc)

Price-Enabled Fields
Assign prices to checkboxes, drop-down, multiple choice, and price fields.

Range Limit
Limit the amount of characters or words for text, paragraphs, and number fields.

Advanced File Upload
Accept multiple file uploads and display progress bars.

Encrypted Field
Collect data securely and save it using strong data encryption.

Read-Only Field
Display fields with values that can't be changed by users.

Hidden Field
Include non-visible fields into your form with pre-defined values.

Random Default Value
Pre-populate field with random letters, numbers, or both, at any length you need.

Choice Limit
Limit the number of entries per choice option. Useful for reservation or booking forms.